Par, Grkinja in Nemec, pevka in čembalistka ter tolkalist in skladatelj. Kombinacija new age glasbe z baročnimi elementi. Morje in Zrak.
Naj začnem z vajinim imenom; je povezan samo z vajinim strahom pred letenjem in morjem, ali ima tudi kakšen drug pomen?
D: Več pomenov ima. Na prvem mestu je Elenina grška duša, povezana z vodo in moja gorska duša, saj sem odraščal v gorah. In seveda strah, ki ga imam jaz pred morjem in ona pred višino. Lahko pa govorimo tudi o tretji dimenziji; povezava med morjem in zrakom, horizont, ki ločuje vodo in nebo itd. Konec koncev pa je v nemščini Sie + Er, izgovorjeno kot Sea + Air pomeni Ona + On.
Po eni strani igrata glasbo novega veka – ghost pop – na drugi strani pa na vajino ustvarjanje vpliva Bach ter baročna glasba. Vi, Eleni, igrate čembalo. Kako to, da sta povezala tako klasičen instrument z neklasično glasbo?
E: Vedno se nama je zdelo, da je čembalo popoln rock instrument. Zveni kot kitara in klavir skupaj. V bistvu ima zelo funky zvok.
Se skriva za vajino glasbo kakšen poseben proces pisanja? Delata glasbo skupaj ali samo končata idejo, ki se je porodila enemu od vaju?
D: Za vsako pesem je drugače. Mislim, da ni pravil – to je pravilo, ki dela najino glasbo raznobarvno in raznoliko. Včasih je to melodija, ki se vrti po najinih glavah tudi kak mesec med turnejo, kot recimo zadnji komad ’Evropi’. Včasih kateri od naju konča komad in drug samo doda finese. Občasno pa improvizirava in pesem se prebudi. Lahko pa, da imava najprej tekst in ga potem uglasbiva. Vse je mogoče.
E: Danes sem igrala klavir v stanovanju neznancev, ki sta trenutno na medenih tednih, v Göteborgu. Daniel se je tuširal in poslušal, kaj sem igrala. Ko je prišel iz kopalnice, je rekel: ’Mislim, da imava čaroben moment’ ter povedal, da ima del, ki bi popolno sedel k moji melodiji. Sestavila sva dele skupaj in imela nov komad.
Kakšne koncertne lokacije imate raje? Klubsko sceno, festivale … ?
D: Tudi tukaj je mešanica obojega, kar dela vse vznemirljivo. Festivali so precej stresni, saj imava zahteven set-up. Nevarnost, da bova zaigrala zelo slab koncert je tako nenehno prisotna na festivalih, kar pa naju vzpodbuje, da se potrudiva še bolj, da bo koncert popoln. Klubski špili so rutina, a rada koncertirava po klubih in mestih po vsem svetu. So tudi kraji, kjer še nisva poznana, kot na primer Švedska, kjer sva v tem momentu. Tukaj igrava po hišnih koncertih in kavarnah za začetek, ki so prav tako super. Še posebej, ko se tako spomniš, kako osebna izkušnja je lahko glasba.
S katerim glasbenim ustvarjalcem bi igrala (še živečim ali preminulim)?
D: DJ Shadow
E: Amon Düül II
Kakšno sporočilo za poslušalce Radia Terminal?
D: Seveda. Še vedno se dobro spominjava prejšnjih konertov v Ljubljani, kot tudi privatnih obiskov mesta. Ljubljana je še zmeraj enna najbolj razburljivih mest v Evropi in številka ena na najini listi mest, ki jih morajo vsi videti. Zato upava, da vas na koncertu vidiva veliko. Tudi če niste še nikoli slišali za naju, pridite, pripeljite prijatelje … imejmo zabavno noč!
A couple, greek woman and german man, singer and harphischord player, drummer and composer. Combination of new age and baroque music element. Sea and Air.
Starting with your name, is it only connected with your fears of flying and sea or does it have any other meaning as well?
D: There are many meanings to it. In the first place there’ s Eleni’s Greek soul, connected to the water and my mountain soul, having grown up in the mountains. And, of course, the fear of the turf of the other. 🙂
But then it also talks about a third dimension. The PLUS between Sea + Air. The horizon dividing water and sky and so on. And in German Sie + Er, spoken like Sea + Air means She + He.
On one side you are playing new age music – ghost pop – but on the other side, you are influenced by Bach, baroque music and you, Eleni, are playing harphischord. How come that you combined so classical instrument with non-classical music?
E: We always felt that the harpsichord is the perfect rock instrument. It sounds like a guitar and a piano at the same time. Really funky, too.
What’s your process behing writing and making music? Do you sit together and write or do you each come with your ideas and then polish it together … ?
D: It’ s different for each song. I think the no rules – rule is what makes our music so colourful and diverse. Sometimes there’ s a melody that has been chasing itself around in our minds for months on tour – like on the latest record „Evropi“. Sometimes one of us finishes a song and the other adds little but important things. Sometimes we jam and song arise. Sometimes there are lyrics first. Everything is possible!
E: Today I was playing the piano in an appartment of strangers in Göteborg who were on their honeymoon. Daniel was taking a shower. He had listened to what I was playing. He came out with the words: „We have a magic moment here“ and told me that he had a part that would totally fit to my melody. So we put the parts together and had a new song.
What kind of music venues do you prefer? Club scene, festivals … ?
D: Here as well it’ s the mix that makes it exciting. Festivals are very stressful since our set-up is very difficult. So the danger of playing a very bad show is omnipresent at festivals, but that also gives us the tension we need to play extremely good gigs. Club gigs are more routined, but we love touring through the clubs and cities of this world. Then there are countries where we’ re not known yet, like in Sweden where we are touring at the moment. There we play house shows or cafes to start with, which are great, too. Especially since you remember what a personal experience music can be!
Which artist would you love to jam with (living or dead)?
D: DJ Shadow
E: Amon Düül II
Any message fort he Radio Terminal audience?
D: Of course: We are still in great remembrance of our past Ljubljana shows and private visits. Ljubljana still is one of the most exciting cities in Europe and number one on our list of cities we recommend everyone has to see.
So we hope to see many of you that night. If you’ve never heard of us before please come anyways, bring your friends and let’ s have a fun night!