Peaches je kontroverzna umetnica brez dlake na jeziku, ki podpira LGBTQ skupnost že od začetka svojega delovanja. Letos bo to pokazala tudi v Ljubljani, kjer bo nastopila kot otvoritveni act na otvoritvi Festivala Parada ponosa. Pravi, da je biti del parade pomembno in da naj se ne bojimo. #brezstrahu je v naslednjem intervjuju predala svoje misli o svojem ustvarjanju in mišljenju.
Prihajaš v Ljubljano prvič?
Ja, mislim, da ja.
Torej, sem prihajaš s posebnim namenom, kot otvoritvena točka Festivala Parada ponosa. Je zaradi tega ta koncert drugačen, bolj poseben?
Ne vem, če mi boš verjela, nočem metati vzhodne Evrope na isti kup, ampak želim si igrati več na paradah v Vzhodni Evropi. Želim igrati v krajih, kjer je to še zmeraj pomembno, ne tako kot v Londonu, kjer se samo še maha z zastavo in je precej korporativno. Prejšnji teden sem igrala v Bukarešti in bilo je super, res se veselim Ljubljane, slišim, da imate odlično skupnost.
Si trenutno sredi turneje?
Ne, v bistvu to poletje igram samo ta dva koncerta.
Torej je res posebno in smo lahko zelo veseli.
Ja, res je. Tudi jaz sem res vesela.
V prejšnjih letih si koncertirala, vmes pa sodelovala tudi z drugimi glasbeniki. Kakšne so bile izkušnje?
V redu. V bistvu sem ravnokar končala s turnejo po zadnjem albumu, ni bilo veliko sodelovanj. Samo jaz, ki sem igrala tri leta. (smeh)
Torej, lahko pričakujemo kakšen nov material?
Jea, sigurno nekaj. Načrtujem nekaj drugih projektov in praznovala bom svojo 20. obletnico delovanja. Delala bom bolj na razstavah in performansih. Sem precej prepričana, da bo kar nekaj novih stvari, ampak ko pride pravi čas za njih.
Veliko si naredila za LGBTQ skupnost. Lahko poveš kaj več?
Želim samo, da ljudje razumejo, da se moraš počutiti udobno v svojem lastnem telesu, kakršnokoli telo to je in ljudje morajo to spoštovati, v bistvu je to moje delo. Če ljudje tega ne morejo spoštovati, naj odj***jo! To.
Lahko poveš kaj o svojem pisanju glasbe, kako pišeš?
Torej, vedno pomislim, kaj se dogaja v svetu in pop kulturi in zmeraj se zelo zamislim, zakaj svet je takšen kot je. Potem razmišljam, kako bi ga lahko spremenila, da imam tudi jaz kakšen nadzor, da se lahko vsi počutimo dobro v skupnosti. Želim dojeti pomen sveta, da lahko praznujemo in uživamo.
Standardno vprašanje. Če bi lahko igrala s komerkoli, kdo bi to bil?
Dober odgovor, zanimivo, da zadnje čase večkrat dobim ta odgovor na intervjujih.
Vedno sem govorila to, tudi ko je bil še živ. Čeprav ne bi igrala z njim, želela bi biti on na enem od koncertov. Saj veš kako je, želim vedeti, kako je biti v teh ogromnih petah, kako tako noro igrati kitaro …. on je v bistvu tak super junak.
In, poznaš Grace Jones? Res bi rada, da bi ona naredila cover Fuck the pain away. Mislim, da bi bilo to zelo kul, ne bi bilo?
Kakšno sporočilo za Radio Terminal?
Pridite na Parado, ne bojte se, pokažite svoj ponos, pokažite svoj kvirnes, vsi smo kvir. Pustite stvari odprte, vesele, varne in pozitivne!
Peaches is controversial artist who doesn’t mind saying what she thinks. She supports LGBTQ community from the start of her work. This will be shown this year in Ljubljana where she’ll perform at the opening of Ljubljana Pride Festival. She says that is important to be at the pride and we shouldn’t be scared. She’s presenting her thoughts about her work and opinions.
Are you coming to Ljubljana for the first time?
Yeaah, I think I am.
You’re coming here for the special reason, as an opening act for the opening of Ljubljana Pride Festival. Does this make your concert any different, special?
You’re not gonna believe me but I don’t want to join all the Eastern Europe together, but I kind of wanna play on the Eastern Europe Pride Festivals because I wanna play in places that still matter, not like London where it’s all about waving the flag and it’s corporate, you know. So, I played Bucharest last week at the Pride and it was really awesome and I hear that is going to big in Ljubljana and that you have an amazing community.
So, are you in the middle of the tour right now or …?
No, I’m actually doing just these two shows this summer.
So it’s very special and we can be very happy about it.
I’m also very happy about it.
You were touring and collaborating with quite few artist in the past years since your album. How were the experiences?
Good. Actually I mostly finished touring after my album, so there weren’t so many collaborations. It was just me touring for three years. (laugh)
Can we now expect any new material?
Yeah, definitely something. I’m planning some other projects and I’m gonna celebrate my 20th anniversary so I’m gonna work more on the exhibitions and some shows. You know, I’m pretty sure that there’s gonna be a lot of stuff that will come out but I will pick my time.
You’ve been working a lot for the LGBTQ community, can you tell me more about it?
I just want people to understand you need to feel comfortable in your own body whatever that body is and people need to respect you for that and that’s basically my work, so .. If people can’t respect that and respect other people they can suck whatever they wanna suck. That.
Can you tell me about any plans for the concert on Friday?
What you want from me, to ruin it? (laugh)
Don’t need to ruin it, just give me some hints about it?
There’s gonna be a gigantic vagina and some costumes, there’s gonna be a show where everyone will hold me up, so I don’t want people to hold their phones, they have to be present at the concert. They can’t just take the pictures with their phones while I’m walking on them, you know what I mean?
Can you tell me something about your writing, how do you write music?
Yeah, I think what’s happening in the world and in pop culture and then I usually get very much whirled up why is the world like that. I think about how can I twist it around so I’m in control so we can feel good about it or the community. I want to feel good about it and I want to understand their meaning so people can celebrate and enjoy things around them.
Standard question, if you could play with anyone, dead or alive, who would that be?
Prince. That’s a good answer, I’ve been getting this answer a lot lately at the interviews.
I always said it, even when he was alive. But actually I don’t want to play with Prince, I just want to be inside his body for a concert. You know, I just wanna be in those hills and play this insane guitar and wear hills that high, he’s just like a superhero.
And do you know Grace Jones? I would like for her to cover the Fuck the pain away. I think that would be really cool, wouldn’t it be?
Do you have any message for the Radio Terminal?
Come out to Pride, don’t be afraid, show your pride, show your queerness, we’re all queer, you know. Keep it open, keep it celebratory, keep it safe, keep it positive.
Zaslišuje: Ana Medved – Annarch