Pred koncertom v Kino Šiška smo se pogovarjali s Petrom iz švedske indie pop rock zasedbe, ki bo prvič obiskala tudi Ljubljano!
Kaj pravijo o najnovejši plati, hitu Young Folks in prihajajočem koncertu si preberite spodaj!
Živijo! Kako ste?
Dobro, hvala! … ravno premagujem prehlad. Sicer pa sem izvrstno!
Trenutno ste sredi turneje, kako poteka?
Vrhunsko! Ljudje super reagirajo na nove in stare komade in lahko rečem, da je trenutno naš live performans na vrhuncu. Fino je tudi, ker lahko zbiraš ogromno komadov, ko imaš za sabo že osem albumov.
Prihajate v Ljubljano prvič? Se veselite?
JA! Prvič! Res imamo radi kraje, kjer še nismo igrali ter seveda spoznavanje novih mest in novih ljudi!
Povejte mi več o najnovejši plati, o čem pravzaprav govori?
Lahko bi ji rekel 10 odtenkov lirične temačnosti. Je politična, socialna, okoljska, osebna, eksistencialna itn. Vsega po malo.
Predpisane so ji melodije, ki so pop in groovy kot tudi jesenske in melanholične. Večinoma so na njej kitara, bas in bobni, a tudi določene klaviature in perkašni. Rekel bi, da je odrasla, a še zmeraj zelo živahna!
Zanimivo je, da ste pesem Darker days imeli v planu za prejšnji album pa se nekako ni znašel na končnem miksu. A ste za ta album vzeli ime, pesmi pa še vedno od nikoder. Kako to?
Take reči se zgodijo. Vedno nam je bil komad všeč, ampak prvič ni uspel posnetek.
Nato je postal odlično izhodišče za ta album, navdih za smer albuma, besedila in zvok. Po tem, ko smo končali to, je sledilo finišranje tega komada, tako da je zdaj na najnovejšem EP-ju – EPBJ. Počekirajte!
Vsi vemo, da je kariera po vašem največjem hitu Young Folks samo še zrasla! Niste se ustavili ali pa obtičali na krilih slave, spodbudilo vas je samo k še večjemu ustvarjanju! Ampak je to tudi na koncertih še vedno največji hit?
Ja, seveda! Obožujejo jo! Definitvno je super za bise. In na festivalih! Kakorkoli, največji oboževalci so seveda isto navdušeni nad starimi in najnovejšimi komadi!
Standardno vprašanje. Če bi lahko igrali s komerkoli, živečim ali pokojnim, kdo bi to bil?
Klišejski odgovor, ampak bom iskren in rekel Paul McCartney. Ampak ne velikega koncerta … jammal bi komade Buddyja Hollyja v kakšni kleti. Tega si želim odkar sem star osem!
Imate kakšno sporočilo za poslušalce Radia Terminal?
Pridite na PBJ koncert. Come to the PBJ-show! Obljubljamo užitek! Kri, švic in solze! Po koncertu vas pozdravimo in podpišemo plate. Prinesite flomaster!
Zaslišala: Ana Medved – Annarch
Hi there! How are you?
Well thanks … just beating off a cold. Otherwise all dandy.
You are in the middle of the tour, how is it going?
It’s been swell! People have been reacting superbly to songs old and new and I think as a live band we have maybe never been better.. Its also nice to have so many songs to choose from with 8 albums under the belt.
Are you coming to Ljubljana for the first time? Are you exited about it?
YES! First time! Love playing places we haven’t before and seeing new cities and meeting new people!
Tell me more about the latest album, what is it about?
It’s 10 shades of lyrical darkness. Political, social, environmental, personal, existential etc. All sorts. Set to groovy and poppy but also autumnal and melancholic melodies. Mainly guitar, bas, drums but also assorted keys and percussion. Grown up but very vital.
It is interesting that you had the song Darker days planned for the previous album but it didn’t come in the final mix, then you took the title but you haven’t included the song on this album either. How come?
Stuff like that happens. We always loved that song but didn’t get the recording right the first time around. It was the perfect start off point for this album though as an inspiration for the direction and lyrics and also the sound. And after we had done this we could finish it properly and it’s now on the new ep EPBJ. Check it out!
We all know that your music career have only grown after your biggest hit Young folks. You didn’t stop yourself after that or chilled on the fame but only produced more songs. But do people still love this song on the concerts?
Yes of course! They love it! And it’s a good one to pull out in the encore for sure.
And at festivals. Having said that, the hardcore fans are just as psyched for the deep cuts and the new songs.
Standard question, if you could play with anyone live dead or alive, who would that be?
A cliche but I have to be honest and say Paul McCartney. Not like a big thing..jamming Buddy Holly-tunes in a basement would do me fine. I dreamt of that as a 8 year old and still do.
Give us a message for the Radio Terminal and our listeners!
Come to the PBJ-show! Satisfaction guaranteed!! Blood, sweat & tears! Afterwards we say hi and sign your records! Bring a pen!