Radio Terminal V Živo
Zaslišanje: Kal Marks
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Zaslišanje: Kal Marks

“I think one of the funniest was someone came up to me and said they’d listened to our new record, and it scared the shit out of them.”

Ameriški bend Kal Marks se ponaša z nepogosto srečanim stilom umazanega punka. Tokrat se bodo v okviru svoje prve evropske turneje oglasili tudi pri nas, na že uveljavljenih večerih serije Level Up v KUD Channel Zero. Pred koncertom smo se pogovarjali s frontmenom Carlom Shaneom. 


 Zdravo, fantje! Kako ste kaj?

Čisto fino. V kombiju na poti v Prago.

 Prihajate v Ljubljano prvič? Kaj lahko pričakujemo na tem koncertu?

Tako je, to bo za nas prvič. Upamo, da ne zadnjič. Mislim, da lahko pričakujete, da bomo kar napeti. To bo šele dva tedna te turneje.

Predvidevam, da imajo ljudje na vašo glasbo kar precej različne reakcije, glede na to, da umazan noise punk ni ravno med najbolj pogostimi zvrstmi. Kaj je reakcija, ki se je najbolj spomnite?

Nisem čisto prepričan. Mislim, da je bila ena najbolj smešnih, ko je nekdo prišel do mene in rekel, da je poslušal našo novo plato, ki ga je totalno pretrašila.

Mi lahko poveste kaj o prejšnjih albumih? Kako nastaja vaša glasba? Najprej teksti, potem melodija. Obratno?

Drugače je za vsak komad. Ponavadi nastane glasba. Zadnje časesi v glavi sestavim tekste, ki jih nato vtaknem v neko melodijo. Včasih pa se porodi celotna pesem, ampak skupaj delamo veliko na strukturi.

Od kod dobivate ideje?

Pravzaprav od povsod. Največkrat kar med sedenjem, ko nekaj nastane iz nič.

Kako izgledajo vaši koncerti? So s strani publike, kar razdivjani?

Ne bi rekel prav razdivjani. Rekel bi, da zelo energični.

Standardno vprašanje, če bi lahko igrali s komerkoli, kdo bi to bil?

Nina Simone

 Bi kaj sporočili Radiu Terminal? 

Bodite prijazni drug z drugim in pazljivi nase. Upamo, da pridemo kmalu nazaj k vam!



 Hi there, guys! How are you? 

Doing just fine. In the van heading to Prague.

Are you coming to Ljubljana for the first time? What can we expect here? 

This will be our first time. Hopefully not the last. I think you can expect us to be pretty tight at this point. We’ll be about two weeks into this tour.

I suppose you have quite different reactions to your music since the sludgy punk is not that common. What was the one you most remembered? 

I’m not completely sure. I think one of the funniest was someone came up to me and said they’d listened to our new record, and it scared the shit out of them.

Can you tell me something about your previous albums? How do you write music? First lyrics, then music? Other way around?

It’s different for every song. Usually the music comes first. Lately I’ve been writing some lyrics in my head and then fitting them to something. Sometimes I have the song completely figured out, but we also collaborate on the structure a lot too.

Where do you get the ideas from? 

Really anywhere. Usually just sitting in a chair and maybe something comes along.

How do your performances look like? Are they pretty messy public-wise? 

I wouldn’t say messy. I would say very energized.

I have this standard question, if you could play with anyone live, dead or alive, who would that be?

Nina Simone

Any message for Radio Terminal? 

Be good to one another and take care. We hope to be back soon.


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Zaslišuje: Ana Medved – Annarch